Formation à l'animation

15 octobre 2024, de 10h00 à 14h00 (heure de Paris)
En ligne
Billets disponibles
  • Reduced price (70,00 zł TTC)
  • Full price (170,00 zł TTC)
6 places restantes
Have you participated in a Climate Fresk workshop, loved it and now you want to become a facilitator yourself? Great! This is the right place :)

⚠️ WARNING: This event is meant for people who have already attended a Climate Fresk workshop (in any language, online or in-person)! ⚠️

a) In the case you have not yet attended a Climate Fresk workshop, please visit this page to register for one.
c) If you have already attended a Climate Fresk workshop and want to facilitate the workshop as a volunteer, for your community, for your family and friends, please keep on reading :)

Learning how to facilitate a Climate Fresk workshop means becoming part of our mission to raise awareness about climate change all around the world.

After this 4-hour facilitation training session, you will hold all the information you need to facilitate a workshop all by yourself!

👉 A brief history of the climate fresk (its creation and objectives, how and when to use it, how to get started and where to find the right information)
👉 Review of the workshop and a deeper analysis of the links between all cards
👉 The role of the facilitator
👉 Tips & Tricks on how to conduct the final part of the workshop (emotions, actions, solutions)

-- DATE & TIME --
👉 Beforehand, please make sure you have correctly checked the day and time (beware of time zones) of attendance indicated for the workshop.
👉 Please arrive on time, ideally a few minutes ahead of the start time so we can start without a delay. If you are late more than 15min late you won't be allowed to join the session.

Prices are shown in PLN as the trainer is based in Poland and the system automatically assigns the currency. However this is an online session and is open to anyone in any country. When you sign up at payment the amounts should be changed into your local currency. 
FULL PRICE: 170PLN - is around 40 EUR
REDUCED (students, unemployed): 70PLN - is around 16 EUR

👉 Duration: 4 hours
In case you are wondering - how come you have seen many other sessions that are 3h long and this one is 4h long... The standard minimum duration for facilitation training  is 3h and most sessions are planned for 3h, but not to have to rush and to be able to do exercises and have a break too, this training session is scheduled for 4h - it's the trainers choice and decision made based on experience.

👉 Event held Online, in English - open to anyone in any country (as long as the hours work for you!)

👉 A good internet connection, microphone and camera are necessary.

👉 This session will take place online with the use of ZOOM  - it will allow you to see and communicate with the other participants and trainer. Therefore, we suggest that you create a free zoom account and download the app beforehand here, but you may also join the session directly from your browser by clicking on the meeting link above (without creating an account and without downloading the app).

👉 During the training session, we will use the platform Mural where we will work with the workshop cards. Our session will go much smoother if you find 10min to get familiar with Mural (if you haven't use it before). Once you register, you will be sent a link to a training Mural board at some point ahead of the training session. 
Please register only if you are sure that you can make it and if something changes, let us know as soon as possible, so that we can prepare for the right amout of participants.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch with me on

I have trained over 150 people so far and enjoyed it each time! I am looking forward to seeing you at this session!

Your Trainer, 
Anna Desogus
Anna Desogus