Taller Mural del Clima

7 Febrero 2023, de 17h30 a 20h30 (hora de Sydney)
Sunrise project australia , 17 Randle Street, Surry Hills NSW, Australia
Entradas disponibles
  • Reduced price ($10.00 IVA incl.)
  • Full price ($20.00 IVA incl.)
14 plazas restantes
This is a public session by Climate Fresk Australia, kindly hosted by Sunrise Project Australia. 🤔 Remind me what Climate Fresk is? Climate Fresk is an interactive and collaborative workshop on climate change, providing a foundational understanding of our climate challenge, and empowering participants to take constructive action. Who's it for? 👉 If you're relatively new to the topic, this is the best 3 hours you can spend on it. 👉 If you're already advanced, you will discover a tool to raise awareness and empower others around you. How it works The workshop is based on a 42-cards game. Each card represents an element of the climate system. As a team, guided by your facilitator, you will identify the cause-effect relationship between the different mechanisms and forces at play. Use the power of collective intelligence to solve the climate puzzle! This step-by-step creation of the 'Fresk' provides keys to understand the big picture of climate change and its complexity. After building the Fresk, you will engage in a productive discussion on solutions and actions. Workshop Agenda 👉 10min - Welcome & Into 👉 1h30 - Building the "Fresk" - a visual representation of climate change 👉 20min - Recap + Emotions 👉 1h - Discussion on solutions & actions We want to make this workshop accessible to everyone. If you are struggling financially, contact us to get a free spot. For any questions, please contact australia@climatefresk.org
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Climate Fresk Australia