Taller Mural del Clima

9 Abril 2025, de 19h00 a 22h00 (hora de Abu Dhabi)
Dubai , Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Entradas disponibles
  • Free entry (students)
  • Full price (50.00 د.إ IVA incl.)
7 plazas restantes
😀 You want to understand the key facts & elements about climate change and set yourself up for taking action? Then “Climate Fresk” is just what you need? A scientific, collaborative and creative workshop to learn about climate change in a fun way.

Based on the IPCC report, translated in 45+ languages, the workshop explains the causes and consequences of climate change. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a short period of time and is meant for both beginners and experts. Already more than 1,200,000 participants in 130 countries and counting…

🌍 -- WHAT TO EXPECT -- You will work collaboratively with your team of 4 to 7 players. You will play with 42 cards and order them in cause-effect relationships. After having built and personalized your Climate Fresk, it will be time to take a step back, to reflect on what you’ve learnt and then to start to think all together on how to act, individually and collectively. A trained facilitator will guide you and provide additional insights. Total workshop will last 3 hours (totally worth it!). --

No specific material required except your joy, energy and willingness to learn!
🥗 As this is an evening session, if you’d like to bring something to drink and/or eat, feel free!
🕖 Please arrive on time so we can start the workshop with the whole group and plan to stay the full 3 hours.
✉️ You will receive an email with all the latest information (including detailed location), one day before and 15 minutes before the workshop begins.
⚠️ Please take your ticket only if you are sure that you can make it!

⚠️ Any question ? Contact us : corona_fontana@hotmail.com

Happy fresking !
Póngase en contacto con
Corona Fontana Arnaldi