Formation à l'animation

27 novembre 2024, de 17h00 à 20h00 (heure de Copenhagen)
Studenterhuset - room aquarium - 1st floor , Købmagergade 52, Copenhague, Danemark
Billets disponibles
  • Gratis adgang
  • Reduceret pris (70,00 kr. TTC)
  • Fullpris (190,00 kr. TTC)
3 places restantes
Hello to you, Thank you for having done your first Climate Fresk workshop. Now if you are here it is because you want to become a facilitator yourself. And we already like to congratulate you. The session last 3 hours too and at the end you will : - be able to fresk yourself - become white belt - receive a set of card in English or in Danish in order to be ready to organise directly after the training. We look forward to welcoming you. Best, PS: a free drink (beer, coffee etc.) is also included in the ticket price :)
Mathieu Lamotte