Atelier La Fresque du Climat

27 novembre 2024, de 17h00 à 20h00 (heure de Copenhagen)
Studenterhuset - room aquarium - 1st floor , Købmagergade 52, Copenhague, Danemark
Billets disponibles
  • Reduceret pris (17,00 kr. TTC)
  • Fullpris (35,00 kr. TTC)
14 places restantes
« Climate Fresk » is a workshop conceived in France, that aims at raising awareness and understanding among people about climate change. Based on the IPCC report, it explains the climate functioning and the consequences of its disruption. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a very short period of time and addresses both novices and experts. We will do it in French, English and Danish. That’s how the game works: The workshop is based on a 42-card game. Each card represents an element, a cause or a consequence of climate change. As a team, guided by your facilitator, you are to find the cause-effect relationship between the different components of climate change. Collective intelligence will get you from one deck of cards to the next! It last 3hours but it will really be worth it 😉 PS: we can / will also have a beer afterwards that way we combine the pleasant and the useful!
Mathieu Lamotte