Taller Mural del Clima

14 Agosto 2024, de 18h30 a 21h30 (hora de Eastern Time (US & Canada))
Csi , 192 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada
Entradas disponibles
  • Free entry / Entrée libre
  • Free rate / Tarif libre ($10.00 IVA incl.)
  • Full price / Plein tarif ($20.00 IVA incl.)
-2 plazas restantes
Please sign up on the EventBrite site here :

As humanity is faced with unprecedented challenges, “Climate Fresk” is a workshop that aims at raising awareness and understanding about climate change, therefore enabling positive actions at the personal and collective level. Conceived in France and based on the science of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report, it explains the cause and consequences of climate change. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a short period of time and is meant for both novices and experts. More than 1.4 million people worldwide have participated in the workshop, and 60,000 have gone on to become facilitators.

This 3-hour workshop calls on participants' collective and creative intelligence and collaboration to identify the cause-effect relationships between the different components of climate change. As a team, you will be handed out 42 cards, in five sets. When each new set is handed out you are asked to (re)arrange the cards on the table according to cause and consequence. The Fresk is revealed once all cards are on the table. Team cooperation is very important and will get you from one set of cards to the next! A facilitator will guide and support you through the workshop.

This is a public session, open to all, facilitated by volunteers. 


 The workshop lasts for three hours, with a progression until the end. 

It is not a drop in session. 

  1. the introduction, to learn a bit abut “Climate Fresk” history and do some icebreaker exercises
  2. the construction of the Fresk, guided by your facilitator
  3. the creative phase, to relax and get to grips with your Fresk
  4. the debrief, to share your feelings, and express thoughts and ideas for individual and collective actions.

More about the organization in Canada here: https://bit.ly/m/ClimateFreskCanada


Come early to CSI Toronto. We'll be in The Alterna Savings Room (Formerly Room A).

This is a public session, open to all, facilitated by volunteers. 

Póngase en contacto con
Caroline Isautier