Formation à l'animation

7 décembre 2022, de 17h30 à 20h30 (heure de Stockholm)
Hagabion , Linnégatan 21
Billets disponibles
  • Gratisbiljett
  • Rabatterat pris (168,00 kr TTC)
  • Fullpris (420,00 kr TTC)
4 places restantes
⚠ This event is meant for people who have already attended a Climate Fresk workshop (in any language, online or in-person)! ⚠ Join a training session to become one of the 30.000 facilitators of Climate Fresk. Be part of a climate education movement and spread climate awareness in your communities. The session is 3 hours long and will take place in person in Gothenburg, Linnegatan area. Learning how to facilitate a Climate Fresk workshop means becoming part of our mission to raise awareness about climate change all around the world. After this 3-hour facilitation training session, you will hold all the information you need to facilitate a workshop all by yourself!
Andreia Olaru