As humanity is faced with unprecedented challenges, "Climate Fresk" is a workshop that aims at raising awareness and understanding among people about climate change, therefore enabling impacting positive actions at the personal and collective level!
It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a short period of time and is meant for both novices and experts.
-- HOW THE GAME WORKS? ☀️-- This 3-hours long workshop calls on participants' collective intelligence and creativity to identify the cause-effect relationship between the different components of climate change.
👉 As a team, you aim to arrange adequately the 42 cards of the game, thus revealing the Fresk. Cooperation will get you from one deck of card to the next!
👉 A facilitator will guide you during the workshop, to ensure good communication between the members of the group and to give additional explanations.
👉 Snacks and drinks will be offered during the workshop
The registration is free and offered by Unibas, and the facilitators are volunteers from the Basel area.