Formation à l'animation

26 novembre 2024, de 17h00 à 20h00 (heure de Copenhagen)
Studenterhuset - room aquarium - 1st floor , Købmagergade 52, Copenhague, Danemark
Billets disponibles
  • Gratis adgang
  • Reduceret pris (70,00 kr. TTC)
  • Fullpris (190,00 kr. TTC)
10 places restantes
Hello to you, Thank you for having done your first Climate Fresk workshop. Now if you are here it is because you want to become a facilitator yourself. And we already like to congratulate you. The session last 3 hours too and at the end you will : - be able to fresk yourself - become white belt - receive a set of card in English or in Danish in order to be ready to organise directly after the training. We look forward to welcoming you. Best, PS: a free drink (beer, coffee etc.) is also included in the ticket price :)
Mathieu Lamotte