March 20, 2025,
from 05:00pm to 08:00pm
(Paris time)
Kulturhuset indre by
Charlotte Ammundsens Plads, Commune de Copenhague, Danemark
Tickets available
Gratis adgang
23 places still available
Climate Fresk 🌍 is a workshop that aims to educate and raise awareness about climate change worldwide. Based on the IPCC reports, it explains why and how climate change happens, and its consequences.
🧩 How does it work? It is based on a 42-card game, and the goal is to find the underlying cause-effect relationships to reconstruct the science behind climate change. Collective intelligence is key to get from one deck of cards to the next with your team!
🙌 Who can join? Everyone is very welcome to join us, there's something to learn both for novices and experts. Already 2 million participants worldwide, join the movement!
⚠️ If you happen to not be able to join in the end, please cancel your participation on this platform, or send a message to your facilitator!