Climate Fresk facilitation training

November 22, 2024, from 09:00am to 05:00pm (Zurich time)
Dynamo , Wasserwerkstrasse 21, 8006 Zürich, Schweiz
Tickets available
  • Full price (CHF900.00 VAT incl.)
12 places still available
⚠️ This event is exclusively for individuals who have already participated in a Climate Fresk Workshop (in any language, online or in-person).  ⚠️

Are you passionate about spreading awareness on climate change and interested in organizing Climate Fresk workshops within your professional network?

This training is designed for up to 12 professionals from various sectors (employees, consultants, local government staff, etc.). By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to facilitate Climate Fresk workshops in a professional setting, engaging colleagues, staff, or clients. The training is led by an expert instructor specializing in transformation challenges and collective intelligence methods in business.

✏️ Course Outline:

Unit 1:
  • Overview of the Climate Fresk: objectives, principles, and user license
  • Role-play exercise focusing on the facilitation of the Climate Fresk reconstruction phase
  • Detailed explanation of the workshop goals and the facilitator’s role
Unit 2:
  • Understanding the importance of the creativity phase
  • How to guide discussions on action levers and conduct effective debriefing
  • Strategies for deploying the Climate Fresk within an organization
  • Introduction to available resources for facilitators: facilitator's portal, training manual, facilitation techniques, etc.
  • Open discussion and closing remarks
Language: This training will be conducted in either German or English, based on participants' preferences.
Marco Buscemi