Climate Fresk workshop

September 16, 2024, from 06:00pm to 09:00pm (Sydney time)
Keg & brew hotel , 26 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW, Australia
Tickets available
  • Free entry
4 places still available

Who’s it for? 
If you’re relatively new to the topic, this is the best 3 hours you can spend on it.
If you’re already advanced, you will discover a tool to raise awareness and empower others around you. 
How it works:
The workshop is based on a 42 cards game.  
Each card represents an element of the climate system. 
As a team, guided by your facilitator, you will identify the cause-effect relationship between the different mechanisms and forces at play. 
This step-by-step creation of the ‘Fresk’ provides keys to understand the big picture of climate change and its complexity. 
After building the Fresk, you will engage in a productive discussion on solutions and actions.

 What's required:
  * No materials required except your positivity, energy and willingness to learn
  * Please arrive on time so we can start the workshop with the whole group
  * Please plan to stay the whole 3 hours (totally worth it - guaranteed!)
  * One day before, you will receive a reminder email with all the information you need
  * Please take your ticket only if you are sure that you can make it
  * Any questions?  Please contact Caroline OBrien
  * or 0412 724 717
  I hope you will join us :)
  Happy Fresking! 
Caroline O'brien