Climate Fresk workshop

July 26, 2024, from 05:30pm to 08:30pm (Auckland time)
Bucklands beach yacht club , Ara-Tai Road, Half Moon Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
Tickets available
  • Free
6 places still available
We have the imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness to create a better future for our children. We need to change the systems, not the climate. Come along to our fun, engaging, interactive Climate Game and find out more! 

Based on the IPCC reports (signed off by 195 countries), this game will give you a 'big picture' understanding of what's happening for our planet by solving a puzzle in collaboration with others.  We will then guide you towards systemic actions that will effect meaningful change across your community.

Climate Fresk is sweeping the world, with over 1.5 million participants.  We're brining it to Auckland communities thanks to sponsorship by Auckland Council. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join the global movement for free!  
Naomi Pocock